St. Bonaventure University


The resources and services of Friedsam Memorial Library are primarily for the use of the St. Bonaventure University (SBU) community (students, faculty, staff, and alumni).

Outside visitors may be granted access to the facilities according to the following provisions:

  • Use of the resources by visitors must not interfere with the needs of the SBU community; 
  • The visitor must have an academic research need that requires the resources of a university library; 
  • The visitor must not be disruptive or compromise the service provision to other patrons, in the opinion of a library staff member.  If the visitor is disruptive in some way, the staff member has the right and obligation to ask the person to present identification, and to ask the person to leave if the behavior does not change.  If the visitor does not comply with the staff member's request, Campus Security will be called. 
  • Access to all facilities will automatically be granted to any member of the Franciscan regular religious community.
Non-affiliated users may not directly borrow materials, although they are welcome to use print materials in-house, and can make photocopies at the public photocopiers in the building.  To arrange to borrow materials, visitors must work through the Inter-Library Loan department of their home libraries, or must either be a current student/faculty member at an Academic Share library or hold an InfoPass card issued by their home library.

Computer Use

The use of campus computers is governed by the SBU Policy on the Responsible Use of Electronic Resources.

Use of computer facilities is restricted to SBU faculty, staff and students.  Non-SBU users who meet the general provisions of the Access Policy may be granted permission to use library computers after filling out a Registration Form and obtaining a special guest login from a reference librarian or library staff member; such users may be asked to use specially designated computers and not the general computer labs.  A guest login is a privilege and not a right, and permission to use library computers may be withdrawn by any library or technology services staff member at any time.  St. Bonaventure University and Friedsam Memorial Library reserve the right to prohibit use of its computers at any time.  SBU students, faculty, and staff are always given priority, and visitors may be asked to relinquish a computer workstation to accommodate members of the SBU community.  Visitors must be over the age of 18 to apply for guest access.

Use of the Digital Media Center is restricted to the SBU community.

As a U.S. Government Depository library, SBU grants access to computer facilities in the reference area to any visitor needing to access government documents online.  Access for Government Documents purposes ends at 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday during the fall/spring semesters and at 5:00 p.m. on other days.

Due to vendor licensing restrictions, access to online databases for visitors is restricted to in-library use, and a staff member will need to sign in for the visitor.  Only databases that are licensed for in-house visitor use may be used by non-affiliated users.


Visitors who have difficulty with stairs are invited to use our lift, which is located to the left of the main entrance.  The lift will bring you to the first floor of the library, where all of the services are located.  When you exit the lift, you will be directly across from the Reference Desk, where you will find a helpful librarian who can facilitate your access to the library's resources.   

If you have a disability and need reasonable accommodations, please contact Paul Spaeth, Library Director, ahead of time to ensure appropriate accommodations are in place for your visit.  The library director (or designee) will let you know if it is possible to provide the requested accommodations, or will explain why a requested accommodation cannot be made.

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